Thursday, December 22, 2011

How to Install Windows 8 Aero Lite Theme to your Windows 7 PC

Hi friends here again with a new introducing.We all are wating for windows 8 Now.But till it You can give a small look to your Windows 7 PC as Windows 8 by following the steps I mentioned below.Windows 8 have a new visual style call  "Aero Lite Theme" ,Now we are going to install it to our Windows 7 computer.GO ahead and enjoye it.

First you have to go to "System Restore" in your computer and create a System Restore point in the PC to recover your current theame in case of faliure.

Now you have to enable the Third party theame support in your PC to do it download the following theame patcher and install it

Theam Patcher

Restart the Computer

Now you have to download the "Areo Lite Theme pack" to do that use the following link

Areo theme pack

Now extract the contents of your downloading file to the "C:\Windows\Resources\Themes folder "

Now Double Click on the Theme file and see the environment of your Windows

If you did all the steps carefully you are having the "Areo Lite"


Go ahead and Enjoye it..


Umesh Kz said...

useful tips, friend.
-Nuwan Umesh-

Nimalka said...

:D .. yOu are Welcome ..


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