This is an easy process.Follow the following steps carefully and reach to the success.. Good Luck
- Boot your computer with Windows 7 DVD and When you prompt the Graphical User Interface to Install the Windows with "install Now" option
- Without clicking "Install Now" Click the "Repair your computer" option at the down left side
- Then you will get the "System Recovery Option"
- In that chose the "Use recovery tools that can help fix problems starting Windows" Option
- Then Click next
- You will get a list of tools on that Click the "Command Prompt"
- You will get the command prompt interface
- diskpart
- list disk
- select disk 0
- create partition primary
- list partition
- select partition 1
- assign letter=c
- format fs=ntfs label="data1" quick
- create vdisk file=c:\myvhd.vhd maximum=70000
- attach vdisk
- now close the disk part by typing "exit"
- and type and enter "exit" again to close the command prompt
- Now close your "system recovery option" window
- You will be in the windows installing prompt
- Click the "Install now" option
- Accept the License terms and click next
- then select the "Custom (advanced)" option
- Now you can see your actual primary partition and the Virtual Disk that you created
- select your VHD
- You can see a error message in the down left side that showing "Windows cannot be installed to this disk (show details)
- You should ignore it and select your VHD and click next
- Now windows will install to your computer as a normal installation
Go ahead and do it
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